Моды transport fever дома

Моды для Transport Fever

Электровоз ВЛ22 — ВЛ22М v1.0 для Transport Fever

Мод электровоза ВЛ22 — ВЛ22М для игры Transport Fever. ВЛ22 — советский грузопассажирский электровоз постоянного тока, один из электровозов, созданных для работы…

Грузовик Volvo F12 для Transport Fever

Мод автомобиля Volvo F12 для игры Transport Fever. В серии Volvo F12 было много инновационных функций для своего времени, прежде…

Локомотив Renfe 316/318 для Transport Fever

Мод локомотива Renfe 316/318 для игры Transport Fever. Особенности модификации: В игре с 1955 по 1997 год; Максимальная скорость 140 км/ч;…

Дизель-поезд «Серия Д и Д1» для Transport Fever

Мод дизель-поезда серии Д и Д1 для игры Transport Fever. Дизель-поезда серии Д (ДП) строились венгерским заводом Ganz-MAVAG для железных…

Локомотив Renfe 269 «Buque» для Transport Fever

Новый мод для Transport Fever, добавляющий в игру локомотив Renfe 269 «Buque». Особенности: Доступен начиная с 1989 года; Максимальная скорость: 140…

Вагон-контейнеровоз DB — Sgklmns для Transport Fever

Пак вагонов-контейнеровозов DB — Sgklmns для игры Transport Fever. Контейнеры устанавливаются на вагоны в два ряда, что позволяет им перевозить большее…

Советская остановка для Transport Fever

Мод добавляет в игру Transport Fever автобусную остановку, которая выполнена в стилистике советских остановок. В игре доступна с 1950г стоимость…

Transport Fever — экономическая стратегия от молодой команды разработчиков Urban Games. В игре Вам предстоит стать настоящим транспортным магнатом. Возводите железнодорожные станции, аэропорты, вокзалы; соединяйте города, чтобы наладить пассажирские и грузовые перевозки.

В игре огромное количество транспорта и строений, однако, искушенным игрокам всегда хочется большего. Именно по этому мы предлагаем Вам скачать моды для Transport Fever с нашего сайта. Благодаря модификациям можно значительно расширить игровые возможности и получить массу приятных впечатлений.


Моды transport fever дома

ПАЗ-672 — a Soviet small-class bus manufactured by the Pavlovsky Bus Plant in 1967 — 1989.

The park included the main modifications:

PAZ-672 (basic)
ПАЗ-672М (ПАЗ-672М (1982-1989) — modernized.))
ПАЗ-3201 (ПАЗ-3201 (1972-1982) — all-wheel drive bus.

other transport assets:

This mod contains 1100+ original TPF2 in-game assets using existing models and textures. Some will be available via existing mods but this is intended to be a comprehensive collection of almost everything used in the game.

all locos, wagons and multiple units assets.

— but trains assets already exist. so. why? — if you ask

— switch of lights
— 3 colors
— categorized

ассеты всех локомотивов, вагонов и «мульти.

This mod provides a cable car for Transport Fever 2. Pay attention to video/instructions!

I’m happy to get feedback in the comments (positive+negative)!

The pack contains:
— Circular cable car and aerial tramway
— Stations (end and middle statio.

Декоративные ассетные «Грузовые вагоны»

Размещать их на прямых путях!

Встроен гибкий подгон друг к другу.

Decorative assets «Cargo waggons»

Place them on straight tracks!

Built-in flexible fit to each other.

Eighth type residential house. (Achtung! Type # 7, absent from the album executive drawings as a class, anticipating questions about the 7th, I write.)

In fact, it was intended for the management of the station, provided to very respected people — the h.

Doubles the number of levels for each industry (including those added by mods).

This mod can be safely added to an existing savegame (any industries at their production limit will immediately start leveling up). However, it cannot be easily removed once a.

Adds tracks without catenary posts and individually placeable masts. This allows you to fix junctions with misplaced masts on the tracks.

1. Upgrade the problem track to the mast free tracks. Zoom in and hold shift when upgrading tracks to select the sm.

This mod contains some parking decals — more will be added 🙂 —

They can be found in the asset menu in the madhatter category — (top hat)


Моды transport fever дома

В разных играх мастерская Steam может использоваться по-разному, но всё, что тут есть, сделано обычными участниками сообщества Steam, такими же как и вы.

При подготовке страницы модификации или предмета в Мастерской Steam теперь вы можете добавить интерактивное трехмерное превью предмета вдобавок к видео и скриншотам.

Пример использования превью можно найти на странице модификации Doomhammer, созданной пользователем johnskyrim:
Превью помогает получше ознакомиться с предметом, сценой или моделью, осматривая их со всех сторон в трехмерном пространстве.

Чтобы добавить трехмерное превью, вам понадобится создать бесплатный аккаунт на сайте Sketchfab (http://sketchfab.com/) и загрузить свою модель. Процесс подобен публикации видео на сайте YouTube. После загрузки предмета и создания соответствующей страницы на Sketchfab, вам останется лишь указать ссылку на ту страницу в новом поле при редактировании скриншотов и видео предмета в Мастерской Steam.

Превью также можно использовать в Обсуждениях, Объявлениях и Greenlight.

We’re going to remove the payment feature from the Skyrim workshop. For anyone who spent money on a mod, we’ll be refunding you the complete amount. We talked to the team at Bethesda and they agree.

We’ve done this because it’s clear we didn’t understand exactly what we were doing. We’ve been shipping many features over the years aimed at allowing community creators to receive a share of the rewards, and in the past, they’ve been received well. It’s obvious now that this case is different.

To help you understand why we thought this was a good idea, our main goals were to allow mod makers the opportunity to work on their mods full time if they wanted to, and to encourage developers to provide better support to their mod communities. We thought this would result in better mods for everyone, both free & paid. We wanted more great mods becoming great products, like Dota, Counter-strike, DayZ, and Killing Floor, and we wanted that to happen organically for any mod maker who wanted to take a shot at it.

But we underestimated the differences between our previously successful revenue sharing models, and the addition of paid mods to Skyrim’s workshop. We understand our own game’s communities pretty well, but stepping into an established, years old modding community in Skyrim was probably not the right place to start iterating. We think this made us miss the mark pretty badly, even though we believe there’s a useful feature somewhere here.

Now that you’ve backed a dump truck of feedback onto our inboxes, we’ll be chewing through that, but if you have any further thoughts let us know.

The Steam Workshop has always been a great place for discovering community-made mods, maps, and items for a variety of games. Starting now with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the Workshop is also a great place for community content creators to earn money by selling their greatest works.

We think this is a great opportunity to help support the incredible creative work being done by mod makers in the Steam Workshop and to encourage more top-quality work. This new feature allows mod authors to choose whether to list their items for a fixed price, for pay-what-you-want, or to make their item available for free. As a customer and fan of Skyrim, you’re able to explore both paid and free mods, quests, and items.

The whole feature is best explained in the full press announcement and on the detailed announcement page and FAQ here: http://www.steamcommunity.com/workshop/aboutpaidcontent

Along with these new options available to mod-creators, we’ve added a few features to support the experience and make everything as easy as possible:

With over 24,000 free mods available for Skyrim in the Steam Workshop, there will always be lots to do and explore for free. Now you can also find mods with a specified price, or mods where you can choose how much you wish to support the creators. The price is up to the mod creators.

When shopping for anything, it’s still important to spend a little time learning about any product you are about to purchase. But, if after purchase you find that a mod is broken or doesn’t work as promised, you can easily get a refund of that mod within 24 hours of your purchase. View the full refund policy here.

If you’re new to Skyrim and haven’t yet tried it out, now is your chance. Available now through April 26th, Skyrim is free to play. Just visit the Skyrim store page and click the ‘play’ button to download and start playing. If you decide you want to keep the game, it’s also on sale for 75% off regular price!

To prepare for this announcement, we’ve asked a few community mod makers to prepare some content for release. Browse Paid Skyrim Mods

Whether you’re just getting started or are already a professional artist or developer, now you can make money from your creations in the Steam Workshop.

Starting with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, you can make new cosmetic items, custom skins, fancy houses, epic quests, entire new cities, or just a new hat for Lydia. Once you’ve made your creation, you can easily set a price and earn a portion of each sale made through the Steam Workshop.

Plus, many more of your favorite Workshop games will support paid content in the coming weeks. Check out the full announcement and FAQ for more details.

When we launched the Workshop late in 2011, we expected that it would grow, but not that it would grow this much, this quickly. So far, the total payments made to individuals for the creation of in-game items sold in Team Fortress 2, Dota 2, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive have passed $57 million. This money was earned by over 1,500 contributors spread out across 75 countries.

The limitation of paid, revenue-generating Workshops to Valve content has been an unfortunate consequence of the sheer number of challenges required in order to scale to a global audience of creators and players. Today we’re happy to announce that after a ton of work, the first curated Workshops for non-Valve games have opened: Dungeon Defenders: Eternity and Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.

This is really exciting news and means that more high quality content will be available for the game you love playing. Plus, purchases of this great new content directly enables those community members to continue practicing their craft and making more awesome content.

We expect more curated Workshops to become available for creators and players in various games over the coming weeks and months.

The Workshop has continued to grow and a larger number of contributors are now earning revenue from more pieces of content in a wider variety of games. To help answer questions about where revenue is coming from, we’re also launching a set of new tools that enable contributors to view real-time sales data for their items as well as view detailed per-item revenue breakdowns and historical statements.

Once you have content accepted into a paid, curated Workshop, you’ll see a link to «View Your Revenue» from your «My Workshop Files» page. If you don’t have any content accepted yet, now’s a great time to get involved!

We just released an update for the Steam Workshop that adds a voting queue for item selection and a new home page for each Workshop to highlight cool content.

Workshops for games such as Team Fortress 2, Dota 2, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive include a type of items that players vote on to help determine which items can get accepted and made available for use in the game.

Workshops with these types of items now have a voting queue, similar to the queue in Greenlight or on the Steam home page. This queue will make it easy to discover new and interesting items to vote on, and will help the game teams get a better measure of community interest on the variety of items being considered for use in the game.

Each product Workshop now has a new home page design, helping to highlight the most interesting content in the Workshop, and to also better expose a variety of ways to browse the Workshop. With this new home page, customers can now more easily see mods, maps, or items created by authors they follow, see what their friends are marking as favorites, and read about recent Workshop news from the game teams.

This new home page also provides space for games to run special events such as themed contests, or to highlight new types of content supported by their Workshop.

This update has automatically applied to all games and software with a Steam Workshop, so just check out your favorite Workshop to see these new features.


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