Проект по английскому мода для подростков

Презентация «Современная молодежная мода»
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

11 класс, презентация к внеклассному мероприятию по теме «Мода»


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Teenagers’ fashion in the UK and Russia

Uniform Girls The famous shops Boys Fashion in the UK Use only the latest brands use expensive clothes and clothes from second-hand Don’t care about fashion Old Navy Marshalls Abercrombie and Fitch

What is fashion? Fashion is a term commonly used to describe a style of clothing worn by most of people. A fashion usually remains popular for about 1-3 years and then it is replaced by another fashion. Even though there are a lot of changes in fashion, most people do not easily except the changes. Who dictates fashion? Movies Musicians and other cultural icons political figures and royalty. Folks The famous French King Louis XIV said that fashion is a mirror

There are many reasons we wear what we wear: Protection from cold, rain and snow Physical attraction Emotions Religious expression Identification and tradition:

What is your attitude towards fashion? A) I don’t care about it B) I prefer wearing clothes which are fashionable C) I can wear cheap clothes and match them with expensive ones.

What is your attitude towards fashion? A) I don’t care about it B) I prefer wearing clothes which are fashionable C) I can wear cheap clothes and match them with expensive ones.

Useful phrases: Expressing preferences: I really like/ love/ … V ing I’m (not) keen on I prefer… Ving I hate Ving In my opinion… To my mind… From my point of view Expressing likes/ dislikes I am crazy about it I find it enjoyable I am really into it I don’t fancy Ving It/s cool/ great/ brilliant

Goth s. They prefer wearing high boots black or vinyl trousers, vinyl raincoats, as in film Matrix; Girls can wear mini-skirts. striped socks

Emo The most typical cloth Narrow, covering t-shirt. The Narrow jeans black or ashen-blue colour. Black or rose belt with rivet The Sneakers with bright or black lace, laced by special way.

Punks. The Suitable town cloth: t-shirt (often black colour), jacket (usually ‘kosuha’’), jeans , sneakers , heavy shoes. The Cloth is often torn.

Answer the questions : — What is the subject of this program? -What shops and shopping malls did the speaker talk about? — What is his favourite shop? What style of clothes are there? — What kind of shop is “Vtoroe dyhanie”? — What kind of department store is Tsum? — Who is the face of Dennis Basso’s company? -What designer did H&M work with? -What kind of style did Dennis Simachev develop? — What advantages are there in discount shops?

Teenagers’ fashion The UK — Teenagers views on fashion School’s Uniform Famous shops and brands Russia

S. Maugham said: “ The well dressed man is he whose clothes you never notice”


Проект « Мода для подростков»
проект по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Проект « Мода для подростков» 9 класс


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Проект « Мода для подростков»

Учитель английского языка

One of the students recite the poem.

Glamorous dresses and colourful blouses,

Jackets that go with a skirt or with trousers,

Sandals and high heels and tight flared jeans

These are my favourite, favourite things.

Clothes will come in, clothes will go out

Clothes will change with time.

Just let me wear what I feel good about,

And then I’ll be doing just fine.

Big, baggy T-shirts and warm, comfy sweaters,

Trainers and raincoats and waterproof jackets,

Caps and a rucksack, and some old warn jeans,

Just let me stay in my favourite things.

A Burberry coat and a shirt from Cerutti,

Calvin Klein bag and sunglasses from Gucci,

Elegant trousers and stylish blue jeans

Don’t laugh at me, I’m in love with these things.

Clothes will come in, clothes will go out

Clothes will change with time.

Just let me wear what I feel good about,

And then I’ll be doing just fine.

The 1 st group. “What is in”

P.1 : Today we’ll speak about fashion, because we all care about it. Clothes show our individuality. Clothes are a status thing. They will come in or will go out. They will change with times. But if I wear what I feel good about, I’ll be all right .Fashion is an international event. Let’s see what clothes different countries offer to us.

P.2 : The USA. For the forth coming autumn –winter season many American designers draw our attention to the style of retro. Skirts in the form of pencils, loose jackets and lace collars are very popular now.( слайд 1,2)

P3 :Germany keeps leading tendencies in European fashion. Neon colours are fashionable. Bags are big. Tight black trousers are up to date this season.( слайд 3)

P4 .: Italy is possessed of forms. The actual shape of “ tulip” is becoming softer, longer and more oval. “ Cocon” is a key word for a line of winter collection in 2011-2012. Collars are becoming the most important details in a new season. Expensive materials and accessories are preferable.( слайд 4)

P5 : France, the world fashion leader, dictates both fashion and tendencies. It offers us more courageos and innovate models. Today n Europe people wear the clothes which were worn in France yesterday. Bright juicy green, ruby red and black are French colours today. Accurate graphic lines and baggy things are combined in one suit. Cold shining of silver in accessories are very popular. ( слайд 5,6)

P6 : In Russia fashion tries to catch up with the European trends .And it also tries to be unique using traditional Russian ornaments in trimming of clothes.( слайд 7)

So there are different ideas of fashion in different countries. What to wear is a personal view. So you should follow the fashion if you don’t want to look ridiculous.

The 2 nd group “ Fashionable clothes Vs school uniform”

P1 : The most actual question in our school is to wear or not to wear a school uniform. We have asked many pupils of senior classes to answer this question. Their opinions are different.

P2 : The pupils of the 10 th class say: “ We consider that school uniform doesn’t show our individuality. We want to wear beautiful and fashionable clothes, not very expensive, not designer clothes, but elegant. We want to feel comfortable. Of course, our teachers don’t understand us. They say that such clothes distract our attention from studying.”

P3 : The pupils of the 11 th class sae: “ We don’t wear the school uniform. But we try to look corresponding. Blouses, trousers, shirts and skirts are preferable. We think that school is a state institution, so we stand for dress-code there. We can show our individuality outside.

P4 : Pupils of our school try to stand out wearing extraordinary and elegant clothes. So most of the senior pupils are against the uniform. They find it boring.

Girls wear jeans, anoraks, sweat-shirts, pullovers and skirts. As for the boys , they also like sweaters and jeans We also agree that pupils mustn’t wear tops, shorts, sport trousers at school. Many teachers suggest we should choose white, black, grey or brown colours. Maybe they are right, these colours are considered to be colours of dress-code.

The 3d group “ Fashion for teachers”

P1: We have observed the clothes of our teachers and come to the conclusion that they all are well- dressed. But in our opinion they should wear clothes corresponding to the subject they teach. Look at our posters. We have designed the new clothes for them.

P2: The teachers of Russian language and literature must wear traditional Russian clothes: sarafans, shawls, blouses with folklore elements, because they represent the traditional culture , habits and customs.

P3: The teachers Biology must have Greenpeace symbols on their clothes. Thus they show their awareness of environment problems and their readiness to protect nature.

P4: The teachers of PE are sure to wear sport clothes. They must feel comfortable, but sometimes romantic.

P5: The teachers of foreign languages must wear clothes of foreign firms. They travel abroad, buy clothes of different trends there and in this way they propagandize learning of languages

P6: The teachers of History should wear clothes with dates. They’ll be very helpful for pupils who always forget them.

P1: The teachers of Maths should wear clothes with geometrical signs. Dresses, blouses and shirts in horizontal and vertical stripes are very popular.

P2: We advise the teachers of Science to wear blouses which look like gases. Bright acid colours will warn the pupils that they must be very careful with chemicals.

P3: The teachers of Geography are dressed in clothes with pictures of continents, rivers, lakes and mountains. Looking at these clothes we will not only learn these names, but we will also dream of travelling to remote places of our world.

P4: W will be happy if our designer clothes are worn by our teachers!


Презентация по английскому языку на тему «Молодёжная мода» (9 класс)

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

What’s in? Выполнила: Куклина Дарья, ученица 9 класса

Lost of people think that it is important to follow the fashion. They always buy new fancy clothes and shoes to show that they are well-to-do people.

There are many magazines and TV shows that approve people to buy expensive clothes.

I like good and trendy clothes, but I think it is silly to buy expensive and unpractical things.

I don’t like to stand out. I prefer comfortable things that I can wear for any occasion. My friends like casual and sports style.

The most popular clothes are jeans, T-shirts, and jumpers.

You can wear them when you go to the party, walk or do sports.

More than that these clothes never go out of fashion.

As for school uniform I like it in general.

It is very convenient because you don’t need to think in the morning what to wear.

But on the other hand, it is boring to wear the same clothes all the year round. School uniform looks official but not fashionable.

I don’t think it is very important to follow the fashion.

They say «Never judge a book by it’s cover». It is better to find your personal style and wear things that suit you.

Использованные ресурсы: Happy English.ru : учебник для 7 класса/ К.И.Кауфман, М.Ю.Кауфман:Титул, 2013.-208с. https://yandex.ru/images/search?text=jlt%3Blf%20&lr=57

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Презентация по английскому языку «Подростки и мода»

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

skirts T-shirts trainers jackets shirts sweaters trousers shoes with high heels baseball caps jeans tights hooded tops dresses blouses sunglasses bracelets earrings gloves jewellery sandals coats bags belts Clothes

What kind of clothes do you like to wear? I like to wear.. I prefer… I’m happy if I can wear… I feel comfortable when I wear… I enjoy wearing… My favourite clothes are… casual clothes fashionable jeans elegant dress original blouse fancy jewellery comfy sweaters practical jacket waterproof jacket worn jeans colourful scarf colourful things stylish trainers baggy T-shirts fashion tights tight jeans glamorous dress flared jeans suitable for the situation

Let’s go shopping. I’m looking for… I’m a size 44 I prefer…(Nike) How much is it? Do you have these (this)… in a smaller size? Can I help you? What make do you prefer? Would you like to try it on? What size are you? Do you need a hand? The fitting room is on your left. It’s rather expensive but it’s a top quality thing.

Fashion and subcultures Between subculture and fashion there is a connection and it is very important. The subculture is the clothes that the young wear in the street, the ideas of the rock bands, the clothes in the clubs. The subcultural fashion attracts and charms with its spontaneity and incredible imagination.

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